even有哪些意思和用法?even if 和 even though 的用法差異是什麼?even so的用法是?

12 個回答

Even if, Even though, Even so

“Even” 的本意

最簡單來說,”even” 的意思是「平等」「均一」。但用在語句裡是,這個字的意思延伸成為「儘管」。「if」是「假設」,「though」是「雖然」,「so」是「如此」。配對起來,我們就可以用「儘管假設」,「儘管雖然」,「儘管如此」(「儘管如此」的用法與上兩個有些不同)


Even if he apologizes, I won’t forgive him.


Even though he has apologized, I won’t forgive him.


He has apologized. Even so, I can forgive him for what he did.

/ 50分鐘
/ 體驗課
- 畢業於 紐西蘭 The University of Auckland - 主攻心理學(Psychology與電影(Film Studies) - 20年英文教學經驗 - 學生年齡自6歲到80歲 - 持有CELTA教學證照 - Rivulet Language Center 的經營者及主任教師 - 歡迎相談 讓我幫您找到自己獨特的「聲音」,表達您個人的意見與想法,最重要的是讓他人能清楚理解您的性格與思維,同時找出最快能理解他人的訣竅。語言不只是個科目,而更是個生活不可缺的藝術



例句:He doubts even the facts.


2、even當形容詞講時,表示「 [數] 偶數的;平坦的;相等的」等含義。

例句:That explains why there are no even-cycle cicadas.



例句:to even out the soil with a spade



例句:The odds evened before the race.


even if 和 even though 的用法差異

1. 「Even though」 的意思是 「即使,雖然」,它用來引出一個真實、但出乎意料的情況,類似於介詞 「despite」 的用法。

Even though I hate driving, I'm still going to Scotland.

Even though I hate tennis, I'm still going to watch the final.

2. 「Even if」 的意思是 「即便,即使」,它用來引出一個假設的情況,所以不一定是事實。

Even if it's sunny when we're in Scotland, I'm not going swimming

Even if you paid me, I wouldn't watch that film.

even so的用法

even so意思是即便如此;尽管这样,在句中相当 于插入语,可以省掉,放于句中时,even so的前后都 要有逗号,将它和句子隔开。


Even so,things don't always go as planned。

即便如 此,事情也并不总会按照计划发展。

It has many omissions, even so, it is quite a useful reference book。

那本书有许多遗漏之处,即使如此, 尚不失为一本有用的参考书。


even是一个常用的英文副词,有许多不同的意思和用法。它可以表示「甚至」、「尤其」、「平均」等。even if和even though都表示「即使」的意思,但在句子结构上略有不同。even so表示「即使如此」的意思。


  1. 用于强调:

  • 在句首:Even though it's late, I'm still going to finish this project. (即使很晚了,我还是要完成这个项目。)

  • 在形容词或副词前:It's even more difficult than I thought. (它比我想象的还难。)

  1. 用于表示“甚至”:

  • 在句首:Even my parents don't know about this. (甚至我的父母都不知道这件事。)

  • 在句中:I'll do it, even if it means working overtime. (我会做这件事,甚至意味着加班。)

「even if」的用法是表示“即使”,例如:Even if it's raining, I'll still go for a walk. (即使下雨了,我还是会去散步。)

「even though」的用法也是表示“即使”,但通常用于表示一个事实或真相,例如:Even though he's my friend, I can't trust him. (即使他是我的朋友,我也不能信任他。)

「even so」的用法是表示“尽管如此,但是”,例如:I'm tired, but even so, I'll finish this project tonight. (我很累,但尽管如此,我今晚还是会完成这个项目。)


  1. "even" 的意思是什么?

    a) 只有

    b) 甚至

    c) 仍然

    d) 尽管

答案:b) 甚至

  1. "even if" 和 "even though" 的用法有什么不同?

    a) "even if" 强调一种可能性,而 "even though" 强调一个事实或真相。

    b) "even if" 强调一个事实或真相,而 "even though" 强调一种可能性。

    c) "even if" 和 "even though" 的用法没有区别。

    d) "even if" 和 "even though" 不能互换使用。

答案:a) "even if" 强调一种可能性,而 "even though" 强调一个事实或真相。

  1. "even so" 怎么使用?

    a) 强调一种可能性

    b) 强调一个事实或真相

    c) 表示尽管前面的情况,但是下文仍然成立

    d) 表示尽管前面的情况,但是下文并不成立

答案:c) 表示尽管前面的情况,但是下文仍然成立

  1. 下列哪个句子使用 "even if" 正确?

    a) 即使下雨,我也会出去散步。

    b) 尽管下雨,我也会出去散步。

    c) 即使如此,我也会出去散步。

    d) 尽管如此,我也会出去散步。

答案:a) 即使下雨,我也会出去散步。


"even" 是一个常用的连词,它的意思包括 "即使、甚至" 等。"even if" 和 "even though" 都表示 "即使" 的意思,但它们的用法有所不同。"even if" 表示 "即使…也" 的意思,强调一种可能性,例如 "即使天下雨,我也要去公園"。"even though" 表示 "儘管…但" 的意思,强调一种事實或真相,例如 "儘管他很忙,他還是會來看我們的演出"。"even so" 表示 "即使如此,但" 的意思,用於表示尽管前面的情況,但是下文仍然成立的情况,例如 "他的工作很忙,但即使如此,他還是會照顧家裡的事"。在使用这些词时,要注意它们的用法差異,以避免使用不当。

"Even Though" vs. "Even So" in the English grammar


What is the difference and when do we use them?



Even though is used to express a fact, something that is real or true.

Even though 用于表达事实,真实或真实的事物。
'Even though' precedes a statement of fact.
It means 'despite/in spite of' the fact.

It is more emphatic or stronger than 'though' or 'although'.

  • Even though Ben is rich, he lives in a small house.
    (Ben is rich, but despite having money he lives in a small house.)

  • Even though she likes animals, Katherine doesn't want a dog.
    (Katherine likes animals, but in spite of that she doesn't want a dog.)

  • Even though the building was damaged, business went on as usual.
    (The building was damaged, but despite that business went on as usual.)

  • Even though I washed it several times, I couldn't get rid of the stain.
    (I couldn't get rid of the stain despite washing it several times.)


Even if is used in a supposition or hypothesis.

Even if 用于假设或假设。

It refers to an imaginary or unreal situation.


  • Even if Caroline earned a big salary, she would not buy a fast car.
    (Supposing Caroline earned a big salary. She still wouldn't buy a fast car because she thinks they are too dangerous.)

  • Even if I had time and money, I still wouldn't go on a cruise.
    Supposing I had time and money. I still wouldn't go on a cruise. I have other reasons for not going.)

  • I wouldn't wear that dress even if I got it for free!
    (Imagine getting that dress for nothing. I still wouldn't wear it!)

  • Even if Tom was offered a job in New York, he wouldn't accept it.
    (Supposing Tom was offered a job in New York. He wouldn’t accept it because he doesn't like big cities.)

Although/even though and despite/in spite of are used to combine or link two contrasting statements.

  • Although/even though are followed by a subject and a verb.

    Even though is a slightly stronger form of 'although'.

    Although and though have the same meaning and are interchangeable in most cases.

    • Although/even though it was raining, she walked to the station.

    • Although/even though he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.

    • Although/even though Amy was wearing glasses, she couldn't read the notice.

    • Although/even though he disapproved, he said nothing.

    • Although/even though Jack had worked hard, he failed the exam.

  • Despite/in spite of are followed by a noun, a pronoun or a verb ending in -ing.
    (The gerund, a verb ending in -ing,  is the 'noun' form of a verb.)

    N.B. Despite/in spite of  have the same meaning, but despite is used without 'of'.

    • Despite/in spite of the rain he walked to the station.

    • He noticed the rain but he walked to the station in spite of it.

    • Despite being wet and tired, he walked to the station.

    • He decided to go sailing despite/in spite of the bad weather conditions.

He had enough money. He refused to buy a new car.

The above two statements can be combined as follows :

  • Although/even though he had enough money, he refused to buy a new car.

  • Despite/in spite of having enough money he refused to buy a new car.

  • He had enough money, but despite/in spite of that he refused to buy a new car.


‘Even so’ follows a statement of fact.

EVEN SO 遵循事实陈述。
It means ‘although that is true’ or ‘nevertheless’.

  • Our instructor was very strict. Even so, we liked him.

  • The weather was cold and wet but even so we enjoyed our trip.

  • Her English wasn't very good but even so she managed to explain the problem.

  • His letter was full of mistakes. Even so, the effort he made was appreciated.



'Even though' and 'even so' are different in meaning. 'Even though' is used to show that something is happening in spite of a hurdle. 'Even so' is used to show a surprising fact about what was said earlier.

“即使”和“即使如此”的含义不同。 “即使”用于表明尽管有障碍,但仍在发生某些事情。 'Even so' 用于表示前面所说的令人惊讶的事实。

Position in a Sentence


'Even though' is used at the beginning of the dependent clause. We can also use it at the beginning of the sentence and the middle of the two clauses. 'Even so' is used at the beginning of the main clause.

'Eventhough' 用在从属子句的开头。我们也可以在句首和两个从句的中间使用它。 'Even so' 用在主句的开头。


Both of these phrases are used to express an idea of opposite value to an event; ie., pointing out something good in a bad situation or something good in a bad situation.

The main difference is whether or not it is used hypothetically.

Even if

This is a hypothetical usage; it refers to an event that has not happened, but may happen in the future.

"Even if we can get there before they close, we will only have a few minutes."
"Even if you can afford the insurance, you still need to buy gas".

Even though

This is used to refer to an event that has already happened; it is equal to "although".

"Even though you found the money, we should all share it."

"Even though you got hit by that huge ball, you only got a small bruise."






When to use even though

When you talking about a real situation.We use it to express a fact or when we think something is true

“I'm going out right now, even though it's raining.”

This is when you us even though


'even if' 和 'even though' 的差別很大,看下面的翻譯和樣本句子來了解一下。

'even' if' 和 ‘even though' 的解釋

'even if' 的意思是‘就算’

'even though' 的意思是 ‘雖然’


  1. Even if you give me $5, I won't go to the party. (翻譯:就算你給我$5,我也不會去那個派對。)

  2. Even though you gave me $5, I still don't want to go to the party. (翻譯:雖然你給了我$5,但我還是不想去那個派對。)

雖然兩個短語都用到‘even’, 但意思完全不一樣


首先,even if。



  • We'll go even if it rains.

  • Even if I fail this time, I would try again.

  • He'll come on time even if I'll be late.

其次,even though。



  • Even though he tried very hard, he lost the competition.

  • His mind was clear even though he was very sick.

  • She's the best teacher even though she has the least experience.


Even if 和 Even though 都可以翻译成“尽管”,“即使”,“哪怕”的意思。但是用法稍有差别。

Even if 所引导的从句往往是假设性的,不一定会发生

This coat is too expensive and the quality is not really good. Even if I had the money, I wouldn't buy it. 这件衣服又贵,质量又不好。哪怕我有这么多钱,我也不会买的。 (暗含:我其实没有那么多钱)

Even though 引导的从句一般是真实的

Even though it was raining heavily, I still went out to meet my best friend in the mall. 尽管雨下得很大,我仍然跑去商城见我最好的朋友了!



Even 是一个可以与许多其他词组合以表示不同事物的词。 可以将其制成条件,也可以通过将其与尽管、如果、何时等组合来强调。


这与使用“if”或“though”但使用“even”一词相同; 用于强调两者。“如果”和“虽然”有各自不同的含义。


even if 和 even though的用法差異是什麼

even if 和 even though的用法差異是什麼

even though和even if的比較:

even though 後面接的意思「已成真或既定的事實」,而 even if則是接「可能或假定會出現的情況」。

Even though it was raining, David still went on a picnic with his friends.


Even if it rains tomorrow, David will still go on a picnic with his friends.
就算明天下雨,David 仍然將會跟朋友去野餐。
