AmazingTalker 評價心得英文用戶學習評比

1745338 筆英文學習心得評價評比


  • 5非常好98.9%
  • 4很好0.8%
  • 3普通0.1%
  • 2不好0%
  • 1非常糟0.1%


2024/07/25 20:07:13
單字 authority(n.)權力,權威(專家),當局 validate(v.)批准,認可,使生效 reimburse(v.)補償,償還 campaign(n.)有目的地的活動(競選,廣告活動) activity(n.)休閒活動 unconditional warranty無條件的保固 accessories配件 文法 another另一個+單數 any+複數 other另外的+複數 one another互相(三個以上) each other(n.)互相(二個) either or 二選一 neither nor 二個都沒有

李老師 | 英語專業人士 ✅

2024/07/25 19:02:42
李老師她可愛又善良,課程中會聊一些日常生活發生的事情,她還會分享一些小故事,很耐心聆聽,也會給適當的回饋以及稱讚,很好聊天而且很溫柔!很高興遇到她~ Teacher Lee is cute and kind. During the class, she will talk about things that happen in daily life and some short stories. She listens patiently during class and also gives appropriate feedback and praise. She is easy to talk to and very gentle! Very glad to meet her~

Ginny🧚‍♂️外商訓練師, 職場商業英文專家🏆

2024/07/25 16:32:47
我曾經在許多學習語言平台上學習英文,也試過 Amazing Talker 其他的老師,我可以真心的推薦 Ginny 老師的實力是最堅強的。之前也上過外籍老師,但很多外籍老師剛試課時還可以,但上了幾堂課之後,就明顯感受懶散無教學熱忱。而其他台籍老師的程度則參差不一,有些老師的程度說真的甚至比我還差。。。而且Ginny老師有在外商工作的實戰實力,這是其他老師無法相比擬的,我想這也是Ginny 老師如此受歡迎的原因。雖然老師的課有些難訂,但大家都也願意等。而且老師有開團體課,所以我發現大家都是一對一搭團體課。我覺得這樣很好,可以有不同的學習氛圍與感受。

不背單字+初級會話首選Candice👸10堂飛行課(1對1) 輕鬆開口說👸

2024/07/25 15:59:36
今天的課也是乾貨滿滿,之前一直很掙扎早上8點到底能不能起的來上課🤣也暗自擔心會不會不如預期,但結果兩個小時的時間紮紮實實的學了好多東西,時間咻一下就過了,甚至還覺得不夠!還有很多想問的!Candice老師真的很厲害! 今天是關於「開團班」的進修學習課,其實自己針對開團班一直還在摸索自己與我的學生群適合的方向,也從老師們身上聽到了很多不同的經驗和建議,也認識了一些優秀的老師,我已經傳訊給FiFi老師問報名團課的事了! 今天需要再花一點時間消化吸收所學,也試著再開一些團班看看,還有看老師推薦的居酒屋新幹線🍶🚄!謝謝C老師和各位老師們!

Wendy 英籍雅思教师🥇總分9分

2024/07/25 15:46:54
Wendy老師真的很會教英文!今天上文法課~老師用自製的PPT,解說清晰、詳細,有不懂的地方,老師也可以用更淺白的方式去講解,講到我懂為止;不同於之前學校老師只教規則,Wendy老師會告訴我英文規則背後的歷史,還舉了很多例子,讓我突然覺得英文變有趣了~老師真的讓文法活起來了!我現在看文法都覺得好可愛XD 課後小作業也是讓我有機會去更了解英文,也不多、沒有什麼壓力,自己去做印象一定會更深刻~

AI 推薦教師

留下需求,30 秒內推薦適合您的教師!

不背單字+初級會話首選Candice👸10堂飛行課(1對1) 輕鬆開口說👸

2024/07/25 13:12:28
應該要午睡但太興奮睡不著所以還是起來工作了*(蒼蠅搓手) 今天在團班見到我的目標老師們,I和🍎老師一直是我開團班的小目標,每次看他們頁面都覺得太厲害了!我也要往這方向努力! 也知道原來他們也是會有不同的煩惱😮 今天學到公式,也認識到很多時候一件事的成功並不是單一原因,跟東風一樣。需要等時間(耕耘)、慢慢累積、多做嘗試,最後就可以坐等豐收 在這之前切勿操之過急 好!


2024/07/25 04:03:53
pretty 非常 normally 平常 part 一部分 shave 刮鬍子 request 要求 whole 全部 smooth 光滑 i owe you 我欠你 membership 會員 annually 年 fee 費 midnight 凌晨 worked 合作 assign 指派 one of 其中之一 expert 專業 nutrition 營養 deal 交易 few 一些 apply 申請 sign 簽名 fill out 填寫 pumped = excited期待 still 仍然 sore 痠 weights 舉重 aerobics 有氧運動 energy 精力 stick to 堅持

🌼Hans 老師🌼新東方英文教師🌼英文家教10年🌼美國🌼德國🌼印度🌼10年國際商務談判經驗

2024/07/25 00:14:28

Ben 👌 留美16年,在國際公司的高層跟你一起實用商用英語,日常英語🤝

2024/07/25 00:13:28
聽到新加坡的生活成本真的是瞠目結舌,同時也對這個國家的鐵腕手段(針對減碳和電力控制的部分)感到欽佩,以長遠建設在治理國家而非只為了選民及特地族群的利益! Hearing about the cost of living in Singapore is truly astonishing, and I admire the country's firm measures regarding carbon reduction and electricity control. Their governance focuses on long-term development rather than merely catering to voters and specific interest groups.

Julian Poon 🇨🇦🍁 DSE & IELTS 老师 💯 加拿大英文杂志专栏作家 📝

2024/07/24 23:33:35
作為一個從外文畢業了10年的社會人士黎講,重新適應IELTS噶writing是我覺得最覺得煩噶事,因為就算是工作同埋生活所講噶英文都會隨住時間噶流逝而逐漸淡忘,係Julian噶堂上我搵返以前讀英文噶快樂,我覺得依家開始慢慢鍾意翻寫作。呢次是我第二個session上佢噶堂啦,我希望我可以係呢度改善IELTS噶writing level去翻自己同我家人一直想去噶學校完成master噶課程, thank you Julian, giving me this opportunity to learn the writing skill with you.🙏

Dinah寫作班招生中👑真 台大外文~專攻寫作👑📝學測📝學術論文📝全民英檢 雅思 托福 多益📝國考

2024/07/24 23:05:50
最近在Amazing Talker上完成了Dinah老師的英文課程,整體學習經驗感覺很好! 老師一開始會先理解你的弱點和需求,設計適合個人提升語言能力的課程。 上課時,老師將文章架構講解的很清晰,並幫助你讓文字表達更加流暢、俐落(包括用字、文法、句構);很多時候都是透過實例來幫助學習。 課堂氣氛愉快,老師也會分享很多自己的學習和生活經驗,啟發你的思考。 每堂課都有作業,透過練習和課堂討論,還有課後提點的筆記,使學習更加有效率! 我非常推薦 Dinah 老師和Amazing Talker給想要提升英語水平的人~

澳洲硕士Emily老师❤️ 雅思pte专家💛 中英文授课💚 多年留学文书撰写辅导经验

2024/07/24 19:57:46
memorable/unforgettable 難忘的 try to(不一定成功)/ attempt to(通常會成功) stagnation(n)停滯不前 work on 執行於/charge with 負責 raffle ticket 彩票 criteria(主觀)/standard(客觀) on offer = on sale choose(主觀)/select(客觀) deprive(v)剝奪/deprive of accredited 被認證的 overwhelming 不知所措的 unravel(v)解開 shake things up 改變現況 do with/deal with/face with/cope with super-defined 很明確的 merchant 商人 matchstick 火柴 portrait 肖像 coercive(v)(adj)強制


2024/07/24 17:24:48
很開心能夠在學習平台找到專業的教師 Teacher Stephan! 他在教學方面以及人類如何有效學習語言、新事物上,做了很多且長時間的研究,因此他能夠提供正確合適的教學、有效且不會忘的學習tips! (Teacher Stephan所提及的兩個tips讓我回想起其實在過去,有兩位不同階段的英文老師,各別教導了其中一個tip,只不過自己懶惰沒執行所以就忘記了) Teacher Stephan可能看起來比較嚴肅一些些,但他其實蠻幽默的~而且老師之前都待在商業公司擔任顧問,也對於金融、科技等商業溝通、提案、談判很有經驗,很適合想要增進商業英文能力的人,如果只是想提升生活上的口說與聽力,當然也是非常適合的~推!! It's my first time using a learning platform, and it's glad can find a professional teacher - Teacher Stephan! He has been doing research on teaching and how human being can learn languages or new things effectively. He's able to provide an accurate and suitable teaching, also some effective learning tips! Teahcer Stephan may looks a little solemn but he's humorous actually. He also has financial, technical and business background, with ample experience in negotiation, proposal and communication, it's highly suitable to the person who wants to advance Business English! If you just want to improve daily conversation, his class will be pretty suitable as well! Teacher Stephan is not only a great teacher but also a good consultant.


2024/07/24 17:23:23
''Lesson 1" `pp-adj 被...的+n `Ving-adj 正在...的 主動...的+n pp-被動形容詞 ing-主動形容詞 A+adj+n EX:A nice table A red apple 's所有格+n -----N-放adj prep+n/ving EX:I am at home I am good at cooking Word: furnish 佈置 answering machine 答錄機 version 版本 limit 限制 period 時期 -a period of time 一段時間 purchase 購買 antique 古董 deterioration 惡化 landscaping 庭園綠化 property 財產 estimate 估計;評量 volunteers 志工 retailers 零售商 authority 權利


2024/07/24 16:18:35
文法: Pp》adj 被動形容詞 Ving》adj 主動形容詞 ‘s所有格+N adj+N prep.+n./Ving. 單字: deteriorate v. 惡化;品質 estimation n. 判斷;估計;評價 reward v. 報答 rewarding adj. 有益的;有報酬的 personalize v. 使人格化;使個人化 retail v. 零售 Authority n. 權力/權威;專家/當局 Authorize v. 授權 Authorization n. 授權


2024/07/24 16:14:20
7/24 檢討多篇 複習: whereas conj.然而、儘管 n.鑒於 文法: By + 時間點 ->在…點以前 Please send the report by 5 pm today. 翻譯: next week 下一週 next month 下一個月 next year 明天 Early next March 明年三月初 color of hair 頭髮的顏色 commercial quantities of the new teas 新茶的商業的數量 With 和…一起 單字: harvest v.收穫、收成 Quality n. 品質 Quantity n.數量 commercial adj.商業的、貿易的 n.廣告 entire adj.整個的、完全的、全部的 n.全部、整體 About prep.關於、在...前後 adv.大約、左右、幾乎 In prep.在..裡面 adv.進、入、朝向 Of prep.的 Kilos n.公斤 Settle v.處理、支付 With prep.和…一起 Acquire v.獲得、收購、併購 Require v.要求、需求 Further adv.更進一步地、此外 adj.更進一步的、附加的、更多的 Future n.未來 Place a hold phr.停擺、暫停 Pend v.等…決定 Review v.複查、審核 Moreover conj.此外 unpaid balance phr.未付餘額 consequently adv.因此、所以 effective adj.有效地、生效的、實際上的、事實上的 chief n.最高領導人、老闆 adj.首席的、主要的、最重要的 adv.主要地、首要地

Sandy⭐澳洲全球百大畢業🔖成人美語講師 📌建立你說英文的自信

2024/07/24 16:03:52
課程中Sandy會不斷關心現在的內容會不會太難,目前的內容在英聽部分都可以理解內容(除了昨天表達方向的兩個用法用英文說明無法聽清楚差異),課程中對我來說在口說回答的難度稍高。 謝謝Sandy提供我多元學習的建議,以及鼓勵我在溝通中表達想法是比較重要的,同時在課程中試著先幫忙把我想不到的單字用中文寫下,再引導我用其他相似已知的單字來表達想法。我覺得這樣的調整蠻好的,也讓我自己在課後練習時可以試著用同樣的方式來練習造句。謝謝!

Alexander🌍World🌍Traveler🌍🏅10+ yrs Teaching🔥All Levels

2024/07/24 15:30:50
今天試上了老師的體驗課,在這堂課裡我們像朋友一般的閒聊,閒聊過程中老師也都會帶到一些片語或是比較高級的單字,很開心在這個平台上挖到一位寶藏老師。Today, I tried out the teacher's trial class. In this class, we chatted like friends, and during our conversation, the teacher introduced some phrases and more advanced vocabulary. I am very happy to have discovered such a wonderful teacher on this platform.


2024/07/24 14:29:57
#LESSON10 📌Part6 句子題 microscope 顯微鏡 germ 病菌 aid 協助 appointment 會面 put off 延期 on account of 因為 raise 增加、提高、提升 lease 租約:My lease will expire on September 30th of this year. release 釋放 expire 到期 consult 諮詢 depressed 沮喪的、消沉的:Selena seems to be depressed about all her problems. 🔺depressed about client 顧客、客戶 recruit 徵募(新兵);僱用、聘用:Most of the teachers there are recruited from abroad. abroad 國外 *brother aboard 機上 treat 醫療、治療:The doctors were not able to treat this disease amusing 令人驚豔的:The speaker at the Westicon Literature Seminar told an amusing story that had the entire audience laughing in enjoyment.
literature 文學 seminar 講座、研討會 entire 全部的 national 國有的、國立的 《Part6》 Step1: 這篇是什麼? Step2: 有大標先看大標,就開始做題目 NOTICE:注意事項 EMAIL:收件人與寄件人關係、主旨 MESSAGE:非EMAIL 句子空格落在段落的中間,請往前看一整句! 句子空格落在段落的最後,請結論整篇文章! 網路TEST1 part6. 131-146 EX: 《NOTICE》 NOTICE TO EMPLOYEES The IT department maintains the proper working order of all on-site computer hardware. We also ensure that the accompanying software (131) ___ at its top level of performance. If you are having trouble with your office computer, please contact the IT department on extension 233 and leave a message explaining the (132) ___ To best serve you, we ask you to include as many details as possible. This includes when the issue began. (133)___.The more information we have, the faster we can find a solution. We will (134) ____ contact you to set up a time for a visit from one of our technicians. Thank you for your cooperation. 131. We also ensure that the accompanying software ____D____ at its top level of performance. (A) functionally (adv. + V.) (B) functional (adj. + N.) (C) to function (D) is functioning (N.+V.) 🔺N.+V. 132. If you are having trouble with your office computer, please contact the IT department on extension 233 and leave a message explaining the ____A____. (A) problem (B) charge (C) meeting (D) decision trouble = problem IT = Information Technology 🔺句子空格落在段落的中間,請往前看一整句! 133. To為了 best serve you, we ask you to include as many details as possible. This includes when the issue began. ____B____. ➝ Q:問問題發生的細節 (A) Turning your computer off and back on 重新開機 won’t address處理 the issue. ➝ 問問題發生的細節,非處理情形 (B) Also tell us what you were doing immediately prior to it. ➝ Also (C) Moreover, improper不適當的 connections could be responsible for the error. ➝ 還沒找到問題,無法負責 (D) We will try to answer any questions you have about your device. ➝ 文章提及是software軟體壞,非device裝置壞 134. We will ____D____ contact you to set up a time for a visit from one of our technicians. (A) casually  偶然地 (B) collectively 全體地 (C) frequently 頻繁地 (D) promptly 立即地 contact (v.) 聯繫 / (n.) 聯絡人 EX:《EMAIL》 🔺Email: 確認收件人與寄件人關係、主旨Subject To: Vincent Silvers From: Joseph Craig Date: June 20 Subject: Spelling error on Lambert posters海報 Hi Vincent, It’s just come to my attention that there’s been a setback with the Lambert project. Apparently the posters for their product launch contain a (135)____. The company name was typed incorrectly in the heading on the final version. As the liaison for this client, I need you to contact Mr. Lambert, notify him of the issue, and (136) ___ for the oversight. Because we were responsible for this error, please reassure Mr. Lambert that reprinting of the posters will occur at (137) ___ expense and will be completed by the end of next week. (138) ____. Regards, Joseph Craig Production Manager, TJR Printing 135. Apparently the posters for their product launch contain a ____C____. (A) statement 聲明:Bank statement 對帳單 (B) correction (C) misprint:means a mistake (D) location product (n.) 產品 production (n.) 生產 136. As the liaison for this client, I need you to contact Mr. Lambert, notify him of the issue, and ____D____ for the oversight. (A) apologizing (B) apologized (C) apologizes (D) apologize 🔺To不定詞+VR 🔺And 對等連接詞:I want to eat ice cream, drink beer, and sleep. 137. Because we were responsible for this error, please reassure Mr. Lambert that reprinting of the posters will occur at ____A____ expense and will be completed by the end of next week. (A) our —> we were responsible for this error (B) his (C) its (D) them 🔺句子空格落在段落的最後,請結論整篇文章! 138. ____B____. (A) Mr. Lambert has approved核准 the final version, so this project is now complete. (B) Any further進一步 production complaints can be sent to me directly. (C) Let’s schedule a meeting to determine the appropriate solution. (D) Please contact me once you have received payment for the reprints. EX: refer to the following article文章. Sales Manager Wins Negotiation談判 Prize! Our very own Nigel Davis, head of the direct sales division, has won the National Negotiation Prize this year. In recognition of his (139) ___, he has been awarded an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Spain, where he’ll stay in a luxury hotel for seven days. In a hotly contested final round held in New York, Davis eventually prevailed against last year’s winner, Gupta Singh. (140) ___, Davis also managed to score the highest level of points ever for this stage of the competition.(141) ___. Davis said he is grateful for the support he has received and that he (142) ___ his time abroad. 139. In recognition of表彰 his ____A____ , he has been awarded獲獎 an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Spain, where he’ll stay in a luxury hotel for seven days. (A) achievements 成就 (B) promotions 促銷活動 (C) lessons (D) studies 140. ____B____ , Davis also managed to score the highest level of points ever for this stage of the competition. (A) Namely 換句話說、亦即 (B) In addition 此外、而且 (C) Consequently 最後 (D) On the other hand 另一方面 141. Davis also managed to score the highest level of points ever for this stage of the competition. ____D____ 🔺句子空格落在段落的中間,請往前看一整句! (A) This award is given out in our company each year. (B) His coworkers will share his responsibilities during his absence. (C) Mr. Davis was unavailable for comment when asked about his trip. (D) We are all very proud of this accomplishment. 142. Davis said he is grateful for the support he has received and that he ____D____ his time abroad. (A) has enjoyed (B) had been enjoying (C) enjoys (D) will enjoy —> he has been awarded an all-expenses-paid trip for two to Spain, where he’ll stay in a luxury hotel for seven days. —> happens in the future abroad 國外 aboard 機上 EX: refer to the following instructions指示. Queensville University E-Learning E-University Software Prospective students should visit the university Web site and download the E-University software (143) ___ onto their computers. The software gives students access to assessments, modules, and online classrooms. Upon (144) ___, each student is provided with a brochure detailing the features of the software. Once you have installed the program, you need to register by providing your student information as well as a username and a password. Any (145)___ login to your account will only require your username and password. (146) ___ . Alternatively, you can call the Queensville University E-Learning Office at 555-9090. 143. Prospective未來的 students should visit the university Web site and download the E-University software ____D____ onto their computers. (A) hardly 幾乎不 (B) deliberately 故意地 (C) continuously 不斷地 (D) directly 直接地 144. Upon在...之上 ____A____ , each student is provided with a brochure detailing the features of the software. (A) enrollment 註冊 (B) enrolls (C) enrolled (D) enroll 🔺Upon (prep.) + N. / Ving 145. Any ____B____ login to your account will only require your username and password. (A) final (B) subsequent 後續的 (C) distinctive 獨特的 (D) failed 146. ____C____. Alternatively或者, you can call the Queensville University E-Learning Office at 555-9090. (A) The software must be purchased before the end of the month. (B) Usernames are the same as your university-assigned student number. (C) If you experience any problems with the software, e-mail (D) The software can be installed on a maximum of two computers. Alternatively或者 EX: 《MESSAGE》 Sid's Stationery 2 Smythe St, Toronto, Canada M1B 5T6 Tel: (416) 295-1725,December 1st, 2020 Kerry Michaels 1 Stevens Rd.Scarborough, Ontario, Canada M1E 4H7 Dear Ms. Michaels: Holiday Sale Seasons Greetings. As a ___1___ customer, we wanted you to be among the first to know about our upcoming holiday sale. All craft paper, specialty printer paper, and decorative envelopes will be reduced by 50% for the month of December. As per tradition at Sid's Stationery, we will be having a Christmas raffle. This year the grand prize is a 2-night stay for two at the Meridian Inn ___2___Toronto Island. The winner will receive a free double occupancy stay in the penthouse suite as well as a free dinner on the moonlit patio. Money from ticket sales will be ___3___ to The Family Foundation, a local organization that provides food and clothing to those who need it most this Christmas. ___4___ Yours truly, Sid and Sandy Chester 1. As a ____B____ customer, we wanted you to be among the first to know about our upcoming holiday sale. (A) value (n.)價值;價格 (B) valued (adj.)貴重的;寶貴的 (C) valid (adj.)合法的;有效的 (D) validate (v.)使有效;使生效 2. This year the grand prize is a 2-night stay for two at the Meridian Inn客棧 ____B____ Toronto Island. (A) through 穿過 (B) on (C) over 超過 (D) at 在…之旁 3. Money from ticket sales will be ____B____ to The Family Foundation, a local organization that provides food and clothing to those who need it most this Christmas. (A) purchased (B) donated (C) funded (D) collected 4. ____A____ 🔺句子空格落在段落的最後,請結論整篇文章! (A) We look forward to 期待seeing you this Christmas season. (B) See you at the annual general meeting股東大會. (C) I have helped several people with this. (D) If you have any questions about the product, please respond to this email or use the live chat on the product page. ➝ 此篇為message非email look forward 期待 annual general meeting 股東大會


2024/07/24 11:20:30
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4 個愛上 AmazingTalker 的理由

為你打造客製化 有效進步的課程
1 堂也能買沒有業務綁約 根據個人需求
1、5、100 堂都能購買
自選上課老師✔ 影片 ✔ 履歷 ✔ 學生評價
3大方向自選老師 進步看得見


自選家教、溝通需求依影片、履歷 、學生評價 選擇老師
並在課前私訊老師 溝通上課內容
選擇時間、預約上課購買課程後 彈性選擇上課時間
時間到使用 Zoom 線上教室開啟課程


  • 日本

    NT$416 - NT$694 / 小時

  • 美國

    NT$473 - NT$788 / 小時

  • 英國

    NT$564 - NT$941 / 小時

  • 臺灣

    NT$513 - NT$854 / 小時

  • 菲律賓

    NT$263 - NT$438 / 小時




AmazingTalker 的一對一家教適合所有想要學習的學生,不管是兒童、學生、成人、商務人士。我們的老師可以在各方面協助你教學。不管是聽力、寫作、閱讀、口說或是客製化的課程都可以,如果你希望讓自己的會話口說能力大幅度地提升,又或是考試跟商務表現亮眼。

那你非常適合 AmazingTalker 的家教服務。

沈浸在全母語的環境是學最好的方式之一,但如果在拼音或是單字量較不足的狀況下,建議選擇雙語老師作為你的指導教師,因為從在 1 對 1 有限的時間內可以有更好的學習成效。而如果你已經有一定的字彙量缺乏表達跟實用的機會,那我們會建議你直接選擇外籍母語老師


只需要 3 分鐘的時間,我們就會透過 AI 演算法的方式推薦適合的教師給你,並且主動在網站內發送訊息關心你的需求,如果喜歡選擇預約體驗課即可開始學習。

在 AmazingTalker 的私人家教課程都是 1 對 1 教學的,與補習班 10 - 20 人以上的課程不一樣。尤其在教師的時間分配上面,可以讓每一位學生有更多口說的練習機會,透過大量的練習與糾正,進而自然的養成使用的習慣。


這些老師都經過我們嚴格的篩選才能上線,並即時透過 AI 演算法不停地追蹤教師的表現,所以您可以安心挑選我們每一個推薦的教師。

所有的老師費用價格都是自己制定的,並不是由 AmazingTalker 所制定的。而老師費用會透過 Ai 演算法的調節,讓能接受不同費用需求的學生選購。目前統計大部分老師時薪行情坐落在 250 - 1,000 台幣左右,只要教師的收費你是可以接受以及喜歡的,那就建議可以先購買體驗課開始試上。


AmazingTalker 在全球都有學生,我們提供信用卡付款的方式讓學生支付學費。少部分國家(例如台灣),有相對應的在地支付方式,如 ATM 或是超商繳款。


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