social circle 社交圈
gasoline [ɡæsəlin] (gas的正式說法) 汽油
run (v.) out of 耗盡、用完
access [ˈæ] 存取、使用
claim 聲稱(v.) / 聲明 (n.)、認領 (v.)、索賠 / 索款(n.)
belt 皮帶、輸送帶
cart 推車
direct flight 直飛航班
transfer flight 轉機航班
transfer passengers 轉機的乘客
transaction 交易
transform 轉換
form 表格
We ran out of gas / soy sauce ……. — 我們用光汽油 / 醬油…了
We can’t access our checked baggage / Checked baggage is inaccessible during the flight
She made a claim on her insurance. 她要求按保單索賠
fill out a form — 填寫表格
很喜歡Soheila老師的上課安排,一開始會有幾分鐘的small talk時間,可以順便訓練日常英文對話。且老師讓我從不知如何下手的雅思作文到現在有一定的基礎,並且超級耐心教學,上課不懂的地方也會很耐心得再講解一次,至今也上了將近十堂課,真的是有明顯的進步!!!!非常推薦老師的課!!!
I really love Soheila’s class structure! We always start with a few minutes of small talk, which is a great way to practice casual daily conversation. Plus, she’s helped me go from not knowing where to even begin with my IELTS writing to actually building a solid foundation. She’s super patient and always takes the time to explain things again if I don’t get it. I’ve had almost 10 lessons with her so far, and I can really see the improvement! Highly recommend her classes !
2024/10/12 21:55:53
10/11 part3+part7單篇
part7 單篇
business定義> 指生意的整體,並非商品
To advertise a business for sale =為出售企業做廣告 (表示要賣掉公司)
offer good until June 16.優惠至6/17
validate v.使有效、使生效
frame n.框框、畫框、相框
Stock n. 庫存、股票
Out of stock 沒有庫存,沒貨
Cable n. 線(電源的)
Case n. 方案、盒子
Warranty n. 保固、保證
extend v.延伸、擴展、延長、提供、適用於
Step n. 階梯/v. 踩
Step down v. 辭職
Policy n. 政策
Politics n. 政治
Politician n. 政治人物
suppose v. 假設
Supposed to 應該
suite n.套房
Tips n.小費
Resume v. 重新繼續
Resume n. 履歷
indicated/suggested/stated/mentioned/inferred v. 暗示
Excursion n. 郊遊
advertise v.為...做廣告、展現、宣傳(自己的事)
vaild adj.有效的、正當的
expire v.(因到期而)失效、屆滿、到期、去世
adapt v.適應(新情況)、使適合(新用途、新情況)、改編
turmoil n.混亂、騷動
stake n.危險、風險
theory n.理論、原理、原則
entrepreneurial adj.創業的、具有企業家素質的
individual adj.個人、有個性的人、與眾不同的人 adj.單獨的、個別的、獨特的
initiative n.新的政策
accomplish v.完成
odd adj.奇怪的、反常的、單數的、剩餘的、額外的 adv.(用在數字後)大約
imperative adj.必要的、迫切的、表示命令的
drastic adj.激烈的,猛烈的
layoff n.解雇、裁員、休養
gradual adj.逐漸的、逐步的、平緩的
payoff n.報酬、結局、發工資
Relocate v.使遷移
Mesmerize v.迷住;迷惑
Reap v.收割;收穫、取得(成果)
retail n.零售、零售商 v.零售、以...價格銷售、(熱情而詳細地)講述 adv.以零售方式 adj.零售的、小量的
capital n.首都、資金、財富、資方 adj.死刑的、大寫的、頂好的
franchise n.特許經銷權 v.授予特許經銷權
district n.地區、區域、行政區 v.把...分區
cage n.籠子 v.把(動物)關在籠子
給🍀10月平日招3名新生🍀 🐳平台西文初學者首選🐳專收 I 人的藍藍老師10堂西文有感無壓💃信心養成計畫,開跑了💃
2024/10/12 15:03:23
A month later
Getting better every day.
我與Marie透過對話調整我的發音與正確的用字,也透過教材內容學習許多新單字與片語,並有許多延伸討論。課程中我分享了我與家人們的兒童遊樂園經歷,玩了雲霄飛車、海盜船、自由落體、碰碰車、卡丁車、摩天輪、旋轉木馬、Teacups等。另外,我們完成了back-up career這個單元的課程。
Marie helped me adjust my pronunciation and correct word usage through conversations. I also learned many new words and phrases through the teaching materials and had many extended discussions. During the course, I shared my family’s experience in children’s amusement parks, where we rode roller coasters, pirate ships, free falls, bumper cars, go-karts, Ferris wheels, carousels, Teacups, etc. In addition, we completed the course of the backup career unit.
Jason Lai
給George👔你的語言啟蒙老師 3折額滿即止
2024/10/11 22:00:36
今天挑了一首勵志歌"Katy Perry - Firework ",裡面的語句無法容易理解,還好老師很有耐心的講解,並給homework 例句,有些句子老師說必須用英文來理解,不能以中文來理解,例如own up to…,用中文理解會帶來誤會,所以以英文例句e.g. You’re the manager, you gotta own up to it. ;e.g. Since you made a mistake, you should own up to it. 來理解才是最佳的方式,感謝老師的說明
給🍨かりん Kalin日文初學者好夥伴🍨🌸勇闖日本不是夢🌸輕鬆學習 上課不用抄筆記
2024/10/11 21:07:46
目前在Amazingtalker看過蠻多老師 實際上過約十位的體驗課
或者是很好的用"Think in English"的方式去想該如何翻譯英文句子
I've attended trial lessons with quite a few teachers on AmazingTalker, about ten in total. Among them, I've purchased formal courses from approximately 3 to 4 teachers.
Kalin's teaching style is incredibly warm. She pays close attention to your expressions and uses rich, encouraging words to motivate students. She is particularly well-suited for students who are unfamiliar with English or lack confidence.
In this lesson, we used an English song as an example. First, he had you listen to the entire song, then went through it line by line, focusing on pronunciation and translating the lyrics. Through this process, you learn to speak up more confidently, encounter new vocabulary, and think in English when translating sentences.
給👨🎓Arthur 🇬🇧英國居民🎥🎭英國專業演員🎓提升學術英文和生活英文的表達流利度✨
2024/10/11 17:44:47
先是聽Podcast 練習聽力,聽完讀文章,整篇文章講解完後,用文章中的字彙試著造句,最後再練習問答~真的是非常充實的一堂課!
The sentences I used for conversation practice are okay, they just need some tweaking. And of course, it’s unavoidable to push yourself outside of your comfort zone when learning a new language.
I just finished Lisa's English class. Lisa is absolutely charming—so friendly, sweet, and an amazing teacher! Her pronunciation is very clear and pleasant to listen to. We had a really enjoyable conversation today, and the class atmosphere was lively. I also got plenty of listening practice. Today's lesson helped me fully understand English sentence structure, emphasizing real comprehension instead of just repetition.
Lisa previously taught at a high school in Indonesia, and she has extensive experience and skills in online English teaching. She teaches language effortlessly, truly a master-level English teacher. Lisa is TESOL and TEFL certified and is especially skilled at helping students prepare for the IELTS exam. Her teaching style is flexible and fun, and she tailors her lessons to fit the needs of each student, encouraging them to speak English confidently and naturally. Additionally, she's excellent at fostering critical thinking and interaction in her students. Lisa helps students apply English in their daily lives, building confidence in a relaxed environment.
I'm 100% satisfied with today's class. It was truly amazing. Lisa loves her work and puts full energy and passion into every lesson. I highly recommend Lisa to anyone who wants to improve their English. A big thank you to Lisa for today’s incredible teaching. You’re absolutely the best English teacher!