多益檢定的口說題型第三關,回答問題(Respond to questions),其實就是簡答題。最重要就是直接回答,因為前兩題只有15秒回答時間,第三題有30秒,聽完題目在嗶一聲後回答。
考試的時候會有三個問題,在聽完問題後,沒有準備時間,所以非常有挑戰性喔。重點是回答的內容必需與題目相關,而且要合理。簡單來說,就是你的答案要易於理解,合邏輯,文法也要正確。就是不要問你東回答西,例如問你都看什麼電視節目,千萬不要回答你都看youtube,那就糟糕了。此外完整性也很重要,雖然不是任何問題都要用好幾句話來回,但如果您只回答,Yes, No, 或是僅僅只有單字,就算是相關回答,分數也會不高。總而言之,答案要與題目相關,同時提供細節。假設問題是,實習教師為了取得實習經驗到圖書館應聘。
題目:Why do you want to work at the library?
- 相關但不完整:Get hands-on experince.
- 不相關也不完整:Who knows?
- 但不相關:I think library is a very great place for people to study because the enviroment is quiet. I love to study in the library everyday.
- 相關並完整:I want to work at the library because I want to get some hands-on experience working with students. Also, I am very passionate about reading and I love the relaxing environment in libraries.
把握這個重點,接著的第二小題,也可以用相同方式攻破。此外,直接用問句中的部份作開頭。例如:Why do you want ….. 就可以直接以I want to ….. 或是 Where do you go when you want to be alone? When I want to be alone, I will go to …… 此外,細節的部份可以使用多一點特定相關詞彙,像是在詢問喜愛的運動時如與其只回答running ,不如回答 long-distance running or marathon. 詢問喜愛的節目時,可以用comedies 取代funny program. 越特定的詞彙,越能獲得高分喔。
最重要的也是最難的通常是第三題,大都是開放式問句,會詢問你的意見與看法,或是描述說明某些人事物。這樣的問題有兩類,一是看法類,也就是所謂的opinion question,另一類是描述類,通常以Describe…. 開頭。
“ What will you do if we hire you and you don’t end up liking the job?”
1.開頭首句要直接的表達出你的看法,而且用到問句的一部份。例如 I am a dedicated employee and I will come to work even if I don’t end up loving my job.
2. 接著要有幾句理由或是作法來支持你的開頭,例如 I understand that it can takes months to feel comfortable in a new working environment. If I still have concerns about my job after a few months, I will ask for a meeting with a manager. Perhaps I would just need to try a different aspect of working in the library.
3. 最後絕對別忘了用一句話結論,如 Lastly, I would never leave a job without offering a two-week notice.
“Describe your favorite part of the house.”
1. 開頭首句要直接的表達出你的選擇,而且用到問句的一部份。 例如: I would have to say that my favorite part of the house is bedroom.
2. 接著要有幾句理由描述為什麼你選擇這個人事物,例如: The reason why I say this because I think the bedroom can give me a sense of privacy. It is also a place where I can relax.
3. Describe the thing, place, person. Use adjectives, words that talk about appearance , character to give much information. 再來就是加上多一點細節,用一些形容詞,以及有關外觀特徵的句子來形容,讓內容更豐富。
4. 最後也別忘了用一句話結論,例如:These are the reason why bedroom is my favorite part in the house.
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