My accent is gone!Can you believe it?

Before i took Lyric’s class,I remember being super stressed about it, because people couldn't understand what i was saying, and i could never understand which tense to use!But she naturally helped me to relax, always corrected me, and learned started become more and more fun!
In the first phase of learning this language I kept on getting familiar with some of the basic and every day vocabulary. Along with this I was listening to radio, watching movies that she recommended(because she and i are both movie buff)next step is I was taught Past, Present and Future Tenses as per the English Grammar Rules and standards. I was not just given the sentence structures roughly but I was made to practice these tenses systematically. Then we talked about various topic that i requested! during all of these process, she always helped me with my pronunciation! she was so good, even helped to learn how to differ pronountion in different compounds! i started speak more and more fluently! now people can understand me so i feel more and more confident! I cant thank her enough!
Thank you


備考攻略 / 面試攻略
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備考攻略 / 面試攻略
🎈𝐿𝓎𝓇𝒾𝒸 是誰?💡 多位家長、學生指定備考教師💡 雅思滿分💡 面試專家💡 精通中英德💡 2000堂課程完成 🔥 𝐿𝓎𝓇𝒾𝒸熱門主打課程 🔥💡 【IELTS必勝課:萬用應考Pro攻略】❤️‍🔥【外企面試:一路绿灯】 💡【基礎英語:培養自信】❤️‍🔥 【中級英語:停止中翻英】❤️‍🔥 【高級英語:英語深度運用】

7 則留言

  • 對你有益。
    - 對您在每堂課中的表現進行綜合評估,例如,可以包括以下內容:
    - 你擅長的領域:請你的導師對你的長處進行全面評估並記錄下來,以便你專注於其他領域[弱點]
    - 你的語法錯誤和句子結構錯誤:你所有的錯誤都應該被記錄下來,作為你學習進度的參考。
    - 改進建議:應評估您的弱點,並相應地提供改進建議。
    - 專門針對你的弱點的作業,例如,如果你有語法問題,那麼作業將集中在語法上。


    - 請您的導師專注於英語語言的各個方面,例如聽力、閱讀、語法、閱讀理解策略、批判性思維技巧、寫作技巧、詞彙擴展技巧等,以確保您發展英語的所有領域語言同時。
    - 您可以建議額外的資源,例如視頻、音頻文件和文章,以幫助您更好地欣賞所學內容。祝您學習之旅順利。

  • 恭喜您找到適合自己的老師,我也一樣,我自從上了課之後,漸漸發現看美劇都能聽到有學過的單字,也比較能融會貫通。
    最近我寫了一篇英文的學習心得,裡面有一些老師教的學英文的方法,想請大家多多支持按個喜歡,衷心地感謝大家的鼓勵, 也祝大家的學業蒸蒸日上!💪😊😄


    Hello guys, this is my English learning story

    If you like my story, please vote a like💖,thank you so much 😊
  • You're a wonderful teacher and a wonderful person. Thank you, Lyric.
  •  很棒~ ^^
  • 很不錯喔!:)
  • 繼續保持唷!^^
  • awww thank you! you are sweet!