
Yan 3 年前線程式培訓講師 企業內部教育訓練

500+ 實體教學經驗 | 高中 | 跨領域 | 面試


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成大數學+資工,加拿大工作經驗,開源社群百人以上演講,Nvidia 智慧機器人競賽決賽,有實習、顧問、管理經驗, 喜歡分享教課,自學 CMU 等常春藤名校課程 喜歡分享教課,在企業內也負責設計員工培訓,我也主持面試 👨🏼‍💼 3 年的教學經驗,全年齡、全程度都能上課。 🏆 目標導向的課堂保證有效,帶你一步一步走向成功! 📈Python & C/ C++ & Data Structure & Algormithms & APCS & 國高中程式設計 專家,和你一起客製化課程計畫。第一步就穩紮穩打! 2023年11月 / 數據分析工程師養成班 / 華梵大學推廣教育處新北板橋中心 / Python程式設計, 資料庫應用實務 2023年08月 / 數據分析與機器學習實務應用班 / 中國文化大學推廣教育部-台中教育中心 / Python程式設計, Python資料結構與演算法 2023年07月 / 嵌入式AI影像技術與應用班 / 艾鍗學院 / Python程式設計, Python資料結構與演算法 2023年06月 / 嵌入式AI影像技術與應用班 / 東方科技教學大樓 / Python程式設計, 進階程式設計 2023年06月 / 生醫訊號處理工程師-核心實務學程 / 艾鍗學院 / C程式設計 2023年05月 / AIoT智能連網應用實務班 / 東方科技教學大樓 / Python程式設計 2023年04月 / 嵌入式機器學習開發實作班(第2梯次) / 東方科技教學大樓 / Python程式設計 2021年05月 / 物聯網應用工程師班Ⅱ / 國立臺北大學 民生校區 / 物聯網M2M通訊協定與實作 2021年03月 / 物聯網應用工程師班 / 華梵大學 台北承德中心 / 物聯網專題實作 2021年03月 / 物聯網整合開發人才就業班 / 國立臺北大學 民生校區 / Linux系統程式設計, 物聯網軟硬體整合應用, M2M物聯網通訊協定與實作, 物聯網專題製作-2 可以參考我的 LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/yankuan-wu 在 AI 席捲的年代,難道我講得會比 ChatGPT 或 Google 詳細嘛!? 肯定不會的,但我有三點優勢我可以供你考慮: 1. **課程設計**: 我授課就是讓你用最短的時間達到你的目標,而 AI 目前還無法,但可以輔助我的教學 2. **解決根本問題**: 問對的問題得到對的答案,AI 目前還不會猜測你為什麼問這個問題,固有時候無法底層問題 3. **熱愛程式**: 真的熱愛,他改變我了的人生,如果你有興趣,在這時代那就時代太幸運了,也一定會改變你的一生 要說缺點呢,有的,有兩點: 1. 課程教材幾乎全英文,中文翻譯為輔: 儘管有中文翻譯,但我還是建議你看英文,我的課程設計理念都是,讓我從新學一次,我要怎麼學,直至目前我的體會總結兩句話: [資質決定學習的速度,英文決定成就的高度] 2. 實作很多: 我是教職訓起家的,來上課的同學大多不是本科系的,百年 Top1 問題: [我要怎麼樣趕上有程式經驗的競爭對手?],其實很簡單,一句話 [你寫得程式不夠],說真的,大家資質其實沒差多少,所以我們才會相遇,但後面的選擇及努力,才是造成差距的主因。 而我正式為此而設計,你要的就是 **在最短時間內學會程式設計**,那要考慮的就剩兩件事,**方向** 和 **實作**,方向不用擔心,我會幫你規劃,並告訴你原因,針對方向完成足量的實作,再來就要靠你的努力了 : ) 這些都是我開課的第一堂跟同學講的話,由於我通常負責培訓最前面的課程,我的壓力在於要是同學撐不住就會退課,那我就麻煩了,但通常都沒有,我想是除了我的鼓勵外,大家也知道我所有課程的設計是有理有據的,而且自己的進步比自己或是上過的其他課程還要扎實,所以來試試看吧! 體驗課我就能給你很多建議了 : ) < Introduction to Python 3 > (48hrs) Day 1: 1) Hello World: Get started with Python syntax on cloud platform, Collaboratory. In this lesson and then create a point of sale system for a furniture store! 2) Control Flow: Learn how to build control flow into your python code by including if, else, and elif statements. Expect to learn all you need to know about boolean variables and logical operators. 3) Lists: Learn about lists, a data structure in Python used to store ordered groups of data. Day 2: 4) Loops: Loops are structures that let you repeat Python code over and over. Learn how to read loops and write them to solve your own problems. 5) Functions: Learn about code reuse with Python functions. Apply that knowledge to create functions for famous physics formulas. Day 3: 6) Strings: Learn all about the Python string object. Figure out how to automatically create, rearrange, reassign, disassemble, and reassemble blocks of text! 7) Modules: Learn how modules work in the Python programming language. 8) Dictionaries: Learn all about the Python dictionary structure and how to create and use key-value pairs in your code. Day 4: 9) Environments Building: Every essentials for modern Python programming environments. Including Anaconda, VSCode, Jupyter Notebook. 10) Files: Learn how to work with files in an automated way! Investigate the properties of text, CSV, and JSON files by reading and writing to them! 11) Classes: Learn about the differences between data types in Python and how to create your own classes, objects, and interfaces. Day 5: 12) Namespaces and Scope: Learn about how Python stores names and the scoping rules that apply to them! 13) Object-Oriented Programming: Learn to utilize one of the most popular programming paradigms - Object-Oriented Programming! Day 6: 14) Object-Oriented Programming (Cont.): Learn to utilize one of the most popular programming paradigms - Object-Oriented Programming! 15) Exceptions: Learn about how Python stores names and the scoping rules that apply to them! < Learn Data Structure and Algorithms with Python > (40hrs) Day 1: 1) Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms: Get started with data structures and algorithms in Python! 2) Nodes & List: Understand nodes, a basic data structure. Learn about linked lists and double linked lists implementation. 3) Queues & Stacks: Learn about queues & stacks and how to implement them in Python. Day 2: 4) Hash Maps: Discover hash maps and learn how to use them in Python. 5) Recursion: Learn about recursion in Python. 6) Asymptotic Notation: Learn about asymptotic notation and how to use it to improve your code’s efficiency. Day 3: 7) Sorting Algorithm: Learn about bubble sort, merge sort, and quicksort and how to implement them in Python 8) Trees: Learn about tress and different methods of tree traversal. Day 4: 9) Divide and Conquer: Learn about divide and conquer algorithms, with a focus on binary search and binary search trees. Day 5: 10) Heaps & Heapsort: Learn about heaps and heapsort, and implement them in Python. 11) Graphs & Graph Search: Discover graphs and graph search in Python, including methods of tree traversal. 12) Greedy Algorithms: Learn about greedy algorithms and implement Dijkstra’s algorithm in Python. <Learn C Programming Language> (32hrs) Day1 1.) Intro to Computer System: Intro to Computer System in C perspective 2.) Hello World: Write, compile, and execute your first C program! 3.) Program: pre-processing, assembling, compiling, linking, debugging 4.) Variables: Introduction to variables and basic data types. 5.) Operators: Learn about arithmetic and logical operators in C. Day2 6.) Conditionals: Learn how to use conditionals and logic to build programs that generate different outcomes. 7.) Loops: Practice your C conditionals, logic, and loops. 8.) Development Environment: Build your own development environment for coding! (VSCode) Day3 9.) Array: Learn how to use C array, vectors, a great way to keep your data organized. 10.) Strings: Learn how to use string to display output and be used to debug errors. 11.) Pointers: Pointers is the most powerful features in C; It allow programmers to directly manipulate memory Day4 12.) Functions: Use C functions to write more flexible, modular, reusable code 13.) Structure: Use C structure to build more scalable, modular programs; Including union and enum 14.) Data Structure: linked-list, double linked-list, bitmap (most used in system) 15.) Advanced C: Pre-Processor, C99 feature, OOP in C < Learn Relational Database System with Python ORM > (32hrs) Day 1: 1) Introduction to Database: Understand the concept of databases, and learn the characteristics and advantages of relational databases. 2) Introduction to SQL: Learn the basics of SQL, covering syntax, data types, and operators. Mention the features of SQL and NoSQL. Day 2: 3) Introduction to Entity-Relationship (ER) Model: Start from the concepts of entities, relationships, and attributes. Participants will engage in designing an ER diagram and learn how to convert these diagrams into relational schemas 4) Intermediate SQL: Dive into SQL, exploring joins, subqueries, and indexes. Introduce transactions and concurrency control, understand how to maintain database integrity in multi-user environments. Day 3: 5) Introduction to ORM: Learn about the core concept of Object-Relational Mapping (ORM). Use SQLAlchemy to interactive with SQLite. 6) More about SQLAlchemy: Exploring advanced topics. Relationships, inheritance, and advanced querying techniques. Also Learn how to manage transactions and sessions effectively, ensuring database integrity and performance. Day 4: 7) Practical Exercise – Grocery Store: Setting up a simulated grocery store. It gets involves with defining products, managing inventory. Apply ORM on SQLite to create CRUD operations. The status of products and inventory will be visualized on page < Learn Modern C++ from Scratch > (40hrs) 1.) Hello World: Write, compile, and execute your first C++ program! 2.) Development Environment: Build your own development environment for coding! 3.) Variables: Introduction to variables and basic data types. 4.) Conditionals & Logic: Learn how to use conditionals and logic to build programs that generate different outcomes. 5.) Loops: Practice your C++ conditionals, logic, and loops. 6.) Array, Vectors: Learn how to use C++ array, vectors, a great way to keep your data organized. 7.) Functions: Use C++ functions to write more flexible, modular, reusable code. 8.) Classes & Objects: Use C++ classes and objects to build more scalable, modular programs. 9.) References & Pointers: References and pointers are some of the most powerful features in C++; they allow programmers to directly manipulate memory. 10.) Object-oriented Programming in C++: An overview of object-oriented programming in C++. 11.) (Additional) C++’s Additional Built-in Data Structures: An overview of C++’s built-in data structures: Stacks, Queues, Set and Hash Maps. 12.) Projects including: - Block Letters: Display your initials on the screen in block letters and create an ASCII art. - Dog Years: Build a dog-age-converting program to translate your dog's age into human years! - Piggy Bank: You just returned from a trip to South America and you came back with three different kinds of currencies. Let's convert the TWD - Rock, Paper, Scissors: 剪刀、石頭、布 機器人 - Text Adventure: Create a text adventure using C++! 🐶 快來加入體驗課的行列! 🐶 ❓體驗課要做什麼 ➡️ 和我一起規劃學習旅程! ➡️ 進行詳實的程度分析 ➡️ 實際解決一個學習問題 ➡️ 吸收珍貴的學習之道,從此不再浪費時間! ❗️課堂規定❕ ↘️ 攜帶筆記本與筆,記下所有實用語句。 ↘️ 課堂開始前,確認設備與網路有無異常。 ↘️ 若需請假,請於 24 小時以前取消課程。若離課程開始已剩不到 24 小時,麻煩用 Line/AT 聊天室先知會我!
超過 5 堂課以上有額外的優惠,可在下方看到價格或是購物車選擇!






  • 2020 至今 艾鍗學院- 專業嵌入式軟韌體教育訓練中心 ITtraining Technology Co., Ltd
  • 2023 至今 私立竹林高級中學
  • 2018 - 2018 École Polytechnique de Montréal
  • 2023 至今 宜家利環保科技股份有限公司 IKARI Technology Co., Ltd


  • 2020 - 2022 National Cheng Kung University 資訊工程 Computer Science and Information Engineering

  • 2020 至今 艾鍗學院- 專業嵌入式軟韌體教育訓練中心 ITtraining Technology Co., Ltd
  • 2023 至今 私立竹林高級中學
  • 2018 - 2018 École Polytechnique de Montréal
  • 2023 至今 宜家利環保科技股份有限公司 IKARI Technology Co., Ltd
  • 2020 - 2022

    National Cheng Kung University

    資訊工程 Computer Science and Information Engineering



  • 購買課程後可依照教師行事曆的時間預約課程
  • 如教師顯示『可即時授課』則可立即預約教師待會的時間
  • 如教師未在線上最快可預約 24 小時之後的課程


  • 體驗課程課時約為 25 分鐘
  • 正式課程課時約為 50 分鐘
  • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視老師開課價額而定)


  • 開課前 10 分鐘進入網站,選擇『我的課程』找到該堂課並點選『進入教室』,即可開啟 ZOOM 教室開始上課
  • 手機、電腦皆可使用 ZOOM 上課(手機請先下載 ZOOM 應用程式)


  • 當課程發生問題可選擇『回報問題』,可由教師選擇重新預約或是退AT幣
  • 如教師超過12小時未給予回覆,系統將自動退AT幣給您
  • 購買課程後可依照教師行事曆的時間預約課程
  • 如教師顯示『可即時授課』則可立即預約教師待會的時間
  • 如教師未在線上最快可預約 24 小時之後的課程
  • 體驗課程課時約為 25 分鐘
  • 正式課程課時約為 50 分鐘
  • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視老師開課價額而定)
  • 開課前 10 分鐘進入網站,選擇『我的課程』找到該堂課並點選『進入教室』,即可開啟 ZOOM 教室開始上課
  • 手機、電腦皆可使用 ZOOM 上課(手機請先下載 ZOOM 應用程式)
  • 當課程發生問題可選擇『回報問題』,可由教師選擇重新預約或是退AT幣
  • 如教師超過12小時未給予回覆,系統將自動退AT幣給您


AI 推薦教師

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