
Bilingual in English/Chinese



🇹🇼🇺🇸 Taiwanese born American mix! 🇹🇼🇺🇸 Completely native in both English and in Chinese 🎓Been teaching English for the past seven years 🎓Graduated with a major in Finance from Pennsylvania University with honors. Was inducted as a member of the FMA society 🤵Currently the associate director of Bethany’s Learning Center in Taipei City. I am a completely native speaker in English and in Chinese! I owe a huge part of that to my parents, since my dad is American and has spoken English to me growing up, and my mom has always spoken to me in Chinese. So I have been living my whole life in a multilingual household. I also grew up in America, but also spent a significant part of my life in Taiwan. This ideal arrangement has really been an integral part of my linguistic ability and has given me a considerable advantage as an English teacher living in Taiwan, since I understand the intricacies and nuances between the two languages. This understanding allows me to translate words and sentences without making what I say awkward or “unnatural.” I’m also able to quickly swap between the two languages, so I can affirmatively say that growing up to teach English and helping students bridge the gap between English and Chinese has always been my true calling. FUN, INTERESTING, AND UNCONVENTIONAL teaching approaches: ➤ Learn through Netflix ➤ Learn to play chess online ➤ Learn to play Texas Holdem’ ➤ Learn English through memes!!! ➤ Learn the English equivalents of commonly used terms in Chinese such as 嫌棄,發洩,肉麻,公德心,委屈,為難,辛苦了, and much more with me! My classes will be worth every penny and every second of your time if you: 🌟Are not conversational and would like to be able to verbalize your thoughts and speak at length in English no matter what setting you are in. 🌟Would like to start your learning from the basics (even if you are an adult learner) 🌟Are already advanced and would like to take your English to the next level 🌟Would like to eliminate your Taiwanese-English accent and speak in a more native and natural American accent 🌟Would like to understand the nuances between very similar english phrasal verbs, such as “break up” vs “break out,” “call out” vs “call off,” etc. 🌟Would like to speak colloquial English, commercial (business) English 🌟Would like to sound sophisticated and educated when you speak. 🌟Would like to learn more about western culture, music, movies, art, destinations of travel, etc. 🌟Would like to hone your writing skills 🌟Would like to boost your GEPT, TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, GMAT, or SAT score 🌟Would like expand vocabulary quickly using an etymological approach (studying the Latin and Germanic roots of words) 🌟Would like to learn how to teach English 🌟Would like to learn different subjects, such as finance, economics, astronomy, anatomy, anthropology, history, geography, THROUGH English 🌟Would like to practice English speaking with a native speaker 🔥🔥Has guided multiple students to gain admission into top universities, such as University of Cambridge 🔥🔥 ➤➤ My classes are appropriate for ALL ages and levels! ➤➤ Will help you quickly and effectively enhance your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. ➤➤ Will help you acquire top scores on standardized tests such as the TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS, GRE, and GMAT ➤➤ Learn the English equivalents of commonly used terms in Chinese such as 嫌棄,發洩,肉麻,公德心,委屈,為難,辛苦了, and more!


約為正式課的 6 折 🔥 優惠名額有限!
Group Lesson for adult intermediate learners: If you want to stay updated about current events around the world and enhance your English ability at the same time, then this class is perfect for you! You might even be able to surprise your friends the next time you go to a bar with your newfound knowledge! In each lesson, I will prepare a short reading, such as a current news article or an article about a subject matter that adults will find applicable to their professional lives. Topics may include advancements in AI technology, quantum mechanics, startups, economics, finance, future space travel, etc. I will start the class by giving students a general overview of the reading, then I’ll familiarize students with the key words mentioned in the reading passage and provide a few example sentences for each word. I'll then have all students take turns reading the passage while I help correct student pronunciation errors. After the reading session, the class will engage in open discourse about the subject matter. I will then conclude the class by asking students a few comprehension questions to make sure everyone has understood the text, primary concepts, and how to use the key vocabulary words in context.


超過 5 堂課以上有額外的優惠,可在下方看到價格或是購物車選擇!



141 筆英文課程評價

  • 匿名
    Mar 24, 2020
    老師會先透過英文聊天了解學生狀況,然後當場聽我說看看一題TPO,再不藏私提供我課後後續練習的實用教材與方法。我個人很怕強力推銷自己的老師,不過Andrew很實在,會視學生個人狀況(目標分數,準備時間,財力考量)提供最棒的建議。Anyways, Andrew is awesome! Thank you so much!
  • 匿名
    Dec 19, 2019
    Andrew 是一位非常有耐心的老師。老師在帶我走過托福口說的題目時,同樣的題目會給我很多種答法。我有時候腦袋會當機,無法想到回答的理由時,老師會和我一起brainstorming。然後再把他變成一個漂亮的答案。雖然我在美國,但是和Andrew講英文卻是我最過癮的時候。當練習題目練倦時,我們可以探討其他彼此都有共同興趣 的話題,如Benefits of meditation, 的話題,如Benefits of meditation, 與一些知性的documentary. Andrew是我見過知識層面最廣的老師,有別於只會「講英文的老外」,Andrew字字珠璣,出口成章。He is very educated and a wise man, and he can definitely bring so many things that you can learn. By the way, 我給Andrew上三周托福課,口說寫作兩科從22分到26分。總分102 I guarantee Andrew's class would be very effective for you!! Chris
顯示全部 141 則評價




  • 2017 - 2019 BLC 伯大尼文理補習班 - 擔任副主任


  • 2013 - 2017 美國賓州州立大學 Penn State 財政系商學院 - 榮獲金融國際管理協會最高榮譽學生獎 (Finance with FMA honors)

  • 2017 - 2019 BLC 伯大尼文理補習班 - 擔任副主任
  • 2013 - 2017

    美國賓州州立大學 Penn State

    財政系商學院 - 榮獲金融國際管理協會最高榮譽學生獎 (Finance with FMA honors)




    • 購買課程後可依照教師行事曆的時間預約課程
    • 如教師顯示『可即時授課』則可立即預約教師待會的時間
    • 如教師未在線上最快可預約 24 小時之後的課程


    • 體驗課程課時約為 25 分鐘
    • 正式課程課時約為 50 分鐘
    • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視老師開課價額而定)


    • 開課前 10 分鐘進入網站,選擇『我的課程』找到該堂課並點選『進入教室』,即可開啟 ZOOM 教室開始上課
    • 手機、電腦皆可使用 ZOOM 上課(手機請先下載 ZOOM 應用程式)


    • 當課程發生問題可選擇『回報問題』,可由教師選擇重新預約或是退AT幣
    • 如教師超過12小時未給予回覆,系統將自動退AT幣給您
    • 購買課程後可依照教師行事曆的時間預約課程
    • 如教師顯示『可即時授課』則可立即預約教師待會的時間
    • 如教師未在線上最快可預約 24 小時之後的課程
    • 體驗課程課時約為 25 分鐘
    • 正式課程課時約為 50 分鐘
    • 正式課程購買超過 5 堂有額外折扣(視老師開課價額而定)
    • 開課前 10 分鐘進入網站,選擇『我的課程』找到該堂課並點選『進入教室』,即可開啟 ZOOM 教室開始上課
    • 手機、電腦皆可使用 ZOOM 上課(手機請先下載 ZOOM 應用程式)
    • 當課程發生問題可選擇『回報問題』,可由教師選擇重新預約或是退AT幣
    • 如教師超過12小時未給予回覆,系統將自動退AT幣給您


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