Learning Korean and Making my Dreams Come True

My name is Chloe and I have been learning Korean for 4 years now. I have been through countless amounts of books, podcasts, tutors, classes; you name it I have probably done it. The whole point of this crazy journey has been for me to be able to move abroad with confidence in the Korean language, allowing the whole transition to be more comfortable and easy for me.
After all of this searching and studying I still was not confident in my speaking, nor had I felt that I was learning anything of actual use to me. Most textbooks had outdated language and only used common tourist phrases. This was not what I wanted. I wanted to be able to communicate with the people in the country I am moving to.
After working on this website for a while I decided to try and find a Korean tutor who could help me progress and speak like a native without trouble and with great confidence. Miss Joanna was exactly that! I have taken lessons with Joanna for a few months now and already I feel my confidence and ability growing with each lesson.
Thanks to Miss Joanna I can finally say I will be achieving my dream of moving abroad with confidence later this year!


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🍀法国1年,🍀马来西亚3年的教学经验 🔥 想要在无字幕的情况下看懂韩剧吗? 🔥 想要在早期建立良好的基础吗? 🔥 想要深入地学习韩语以提升对话吗? 💚 跟着专业的Joanna老师一起轻松欢乐地学习! 🔹 拥有专业的韩语教学文凭/🔹 舒适的学习气氛

1 則留言

  • I really enjoyed your Korean study story. I hope you can communicate with more people and enjoy it by studying Korean. Because there are so many good people in Korea! I hope we can meet again if we are meant to be. Actually, I am teaching Korean, too. If you have any questions about Korean culture or travel food, please feel free to ask! I'll be waiting