Having a great time learning chinese through singing and dancing with our awesome Nicole Teacher.

Nicole is an amazing Chinese teacher who has helped my kids learn Chinese in a fun and engaging way. She has been teaching them for over two months, five days a week, and I can see their progress and confidence. My kids are very shy, but Nicole brings out their energy and enthusiasm with her lively and interactive lessons. She uses games, songs, and stories to make learning Chinese enjoyable and memorable. She also worked with me to figure out the best books and materials for my kids’ level and interests. She is very good at communicating with me before and after each class, and she always shares a lot of useful resources and feedback.

What I really appreciate about Nicole is her dedication, passion, and professionalism. She always prepares well for each class and tailors the content to suit my kids’ needs and goals. She is patient and encouraging, and she always praises my kids for their efforts and achievements. She also challenges them to improve their skills and learn new things. She has excellent communication skills and can connect with my kids from diverse backgrounds. She is fluent in both English and Chinese, and she can explain the grammar and vocabulary clearly and effectively. She also teaches them about the Chinese culture and traditions, and she makes them curious and interested in learning more.

Nicole is awesome and I highly recommend her as a Chinese teacher. She has made a huge difference in my kids’ learning experience and has inspired them to love Chinese. She is not only a teacher, but also a friend and a mentor. She is the best teacher my kids have ever had, and we are lucky to have her. Thank you, Nicole, for everything you do!


🤗邊玩邊學聽說讀寫So easy🤗|面試升學無煩惱|
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🤗邊玩邊學聽說讀寫So easy🤗|面試升學無煩惱|
📸 希望你的英語課堂充滿樂趣嗎?? 現在報名 NIcole 的課程,從此自信應對! 🌹🌹🌹關於Miss Nicole🌹🌹🌹 🦩 10年的教學經驗,全年齡、全程度都能上課。 🦩 曾在澳門輔導過小學六年級全學科 🦩會說多種語言:英語、粵語、中文和基礎日語 🦩耐心和鼓勵的教學風格,按照學生的節奏提高英文水平 🦩生動活潑互動教學,讓學生開口說話 🌹🌹🌹提供以下課程🌹🌹🌹 🦩升中入學面試準備 🦩兒童英語啟蒙 🦩文法基礎鞏固 🦩成人基礎英語 🚨臨近升中面試/商務面試 🔜🔜🔜 升中英文面試🎖 🗽想小朋友流暢說英語? 🔜🔜🔜 多元互動會話🪂 📗英文文法太多太混亂? 🔜🔜🔜 文法基礎鞏固📈 🏆 目標導向的課堂保證有效,帶你一步一步走向成功!🤗
