Review for 8 month journey of learning Japanese with the teacher Yukina

Thanks to friends, I've got interested in Japanese like them. So I started learning it in January. I'm a bit shy to talk with unseen people, but the teacher Yukina checked my level, and let me talk freely during preview class (25 minutes class). For that reason, I decided to have a lesson with her. From now on, I took her class for over 8 months. When I think about the journey of learning Japanese, I feel my skill is getting better. On the first day, I just started learning how to say my name and greetings, basic sentences, but now I can make a simple sentence that implies what I did and my feeling. I assume every class' free talk helped me to make it. She gives me some questions that I reply in Japanese. As I make sentences, I think I get more confidence and try saying more and more. I assure you that Yukina's teaching takes a big part in improving my Japanese skill. I was lucky to have a class with her.


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