Believe in Yourself, Spread your Wings to Fly

Before the sharing, I would like to tell you the reasons why I decide to write this in English. It doesn’t mean that I am good at writing English when I decide to write this appreciation to Candice in English. Actually, I am good at Chinese but not English. However, I would like to use this chance to say thank you to Candice, and I think it will be better to show that Candice’s classes are wonderful and I learn a lot from Candice if I write in English. Not only the methods to learn English, but also the encouragements she gives me. She gives me a big motivation to continue learning English and pursue my dream!
Compared with the first class when I studied with Candice, I become more confident and active to talk with foreigners. I still remember I was afraid of making mistakes and didn’t know how to speak out in English at the first time, but now I feel comfortable when I talk to foreigners and actually I hope I can have more chance to talk with them. I still make mistakes now of course, but no mistakes, no progress. I still believe practice makes perfect.
For me, I am proud of myself, because I have a big passion to learn English and the point is that I am diligent and perseverant to follow the instructions given by Candice. I have a dream I hope one day I can travel all around the world, so I take action first, I keep practice and exert myself during the class. Now I make progress and again, thank you Candice! You always stand behind me to support me, share your experiences which can motivate me a lot and tell me the right ways to learn English.
For Candice, you gave me many materials—YOU TUBE channels, voice tube and Engoo to learn English, which would be interesting and fabulous to me. I don’t like class-esque teaching style to learn English, and you gave me something I liked which made me be proactive to learn English, the action came from myself, not the outside force. And you helped me find the most suitable English teacher to continue studying English after ending your classes. It was so nice and it would be more efficient and effective. What’s more, the foremost one was your experiences, your stories, your students’ sharing, it totally encouraged me to pursue my dream. I completely hope I can travel around the world and use English to broaden my horizons. And I hope one day I will be one of your students’ sharing.
As I mentioned above, Candice helped me find the most suitable teacher. And I will choose Sonia to be my next English teacher. Sonia loves travelling and she has travelled to many countries, I think it will make us communicate more smoothly. We had a great moment and chatted many things about traveling during the trial class. This is the reason why I choose Sonia among many different kinds of English teachers. My expectation is that I can really speak in English just like my mother tongue, especially when I am travelling.
Can’t you believe that you light up my way, and I will response to your expectation one day. Show you the best of mine—spread my wings to fly in the sky! Thank you, Candice!
Finally, before ending the sharing, I would like to tell you something.
I am a student.
I am a university student studying business administration.
I am a university student studying business administration, and I have a strong passion to learn English well.
I am a normal person with two hands, two feet, one brain.
I am a normal person with two hands, two feet, one brain, but the special thing is that I have a big dream behind me.
I am a normal person with two hands, two feet, one brain, but the special thing is that I have a big dream behind me that helps me believe I can fly and nothing can stop me to spread my wings to get to every corner of the world!
The sharing may be a little long, but all of these come from my heart. Maybe I don’t express too much during the classes but I will cherish the precious moment studying with you and I hope when I see you again later, I can show you the best of mine! Thank you!


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🙇🏻‍♂️學生評語🙇🏻‍♂️明明沒背單字!看得懂的字一直增加!明明沒背文法!能表達的句型也越來越多了!老師你真的太厲害👍🏻!您是我遇過最厲害的老師👩‍🏫!我衷心地佩服🙇🏻‍♂️🙇🏻‍♂️👼適合有一點基礎 忙碌 卻想進步的初學者👼陪妳開啟輕鬆又有效的學習大門 👼團班報名資料 請一路往下就會看到囉💖1對1飛行課程💖 🥇老師1對1一次只專心照顧12個飛行員 目前已收滿12人 (畢業標準:到達能與外國人溝通) 有人畢業才收新生 🥇如果可以接受下個月上課 歡迎利用學生出差或出國旅行的空堂 來體驗一堂給大人的專業課程 🥇適合的方法省時又省力👸祝大家英文早日輕鬆自在🤴

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