

7 則留言

  • 先找回自信勇敢說

    也正在考 唎酒師 燒酎唎酒師的資格
  • 很感動的故事 😊😊
  • awesome!
  • 超棒!!
  • Meaningful and touching story! ☺️
  • As a matter of fact, we can't only learn English in every class, instead, we need to use the English on a daily basis as much as possible, that's the only way we can master it one day in the future. Also, if we can make the learning process as enjoyable as possible, then we will get the chance to continue learning the useful language longer and more often. Let's make some small changes and keep them up daily in using English from today on!!! I am sure that we will be proud of ourselves than we used to be in the future.

  • Hi Yu!,感謝你令人感動的故事!你的確是一位很認真的學生,值得稱讚!我很開心能夠幫你成功。上課時愉快而輕鬆的對話使課堂更加有利於學習英文。

    最有意义的是看到你有推動力,渴望学更多~~ 每次把課堂討論的技巧在日常生活中應用出來,開口講話,學習短句,觀看YouTube推薦,閱讀你感興趣的題目書籍,等等。課堂跟你聊天的時候我就感覺到你進步顯而易見,一日千里!我鼓勵你保持這樣的成就感和一致性的學習習慣,好好掌握流利的英文!


    Thank you so much for the heartwarming story! There’s no doubt about it, you’re such a diligent student, deserving commendation! I’m glad that I can contribute to your success. Our happy and relaxed conversations together make the class more conducive to learning.

    The most amazing thing to see is that you are motivated and eager to learn more! You keep on applying the techniques we have discussed, verbalizing, familiarizing phrases, watching YouTube recommendations, reading books that you’re interested in and others! So whenever we’re talking in-class, I sense that your progress is obvious more than ever! Please maintain that sense of achievement and match it with consistency, then you will master English in no time!

    I’m so proud of you! Keep it up Yu!